American Civil War

Civil War was one of the most devastating events in American
History. Read about the causes, see the heroes, and share
the horror by clicking on these links.
The Road to the Civil
Follow the various people and events that together created the causes of the Civil War.
It's hard to imagine that people did these things to each
other, but different times allowed different ideals.
The Confederate States of America
Organization of 11 Southern American states that existed for four years during the war
The Story of the Civil War
From the first shots fired at Fort Sumter to the final surrender at Appomattox. Trace the paths of the various armies and commanders as they vie for supremacy up and down, east and west, North and South
War Battles
These sites focus on the battles that made up the Civil War.
War Generals
These generals commanded troops during the Civil War.
Anaconda Plan
Wartime strategy devised by U.S. Army commander Winfield Scott to bring the Southern states back into the Union
Peninsula Campaign
Battle plan drawn up by the Union Army. The goal of the campaign was the seizure of Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, and the defeat of the army defending it
The Battle of Gettysburg
Find out more about this historic battle: the main players, the strategies, and the prelude and aftermath.
After the Civil War, the U.S. Government tried to rebuild
the South. Find out how.
Underground Railroad
Links, articles, pictures, stories, primary sources, and
much more about this "route to freedom" followed by a great
many slaves
Hampton Roads Conference
Attempt by the two opposing sides during the American Civil War to find peace. It was not successful.
Through a timeline and photos, this site brings to life the
tragedy that was the Civil War. The History Place makes
vivid this terrible chapter in American History.
Odyssey: The Civil War
This Library of Congress exhibit showcases the roles
African-Americans played in the War Between the States.
You're guaranteed to learn something at this site!
War Medicine
Learn how medicine was practiced during the Civil War. What
you learn may surprise you!