of The American Civil War

battles made up the Civil War.
The Battle of Fort Sumter
It was on April 12, 1861, that the first shots in anger were fired in the American Civil War.
The First Battle of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run, or the First Battle at Manassas, was a great victory for the Confederacy and a source of dread for the Union.
The Battle of the 7 Days
The Battle of the Seven Days was a serious of battles between the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia in the early days of the war.
The Battle of Fort Henry
The Battle of Fort Henry was a victory for the Union during the American Civil War. Seizure of the fort allowed Union troops to take control of the Tennessee River and paved the way for an invasion of Tennessee.">
The Battle of Fort Donelson
The Battle of Fort Donelson was a victory for the Union during the American Civil War. Seizure of the fort allowed Union troops to take control of the Cumberland River and paved the way for an invasion of Tennessee.
The Battle of Shiloh
The Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was a victory for the Union that solidified recent gains and paved the way for an invasion deeper into Tennessee.
The Second Battle of Bull Run
The Second Battle of Bull Run, or the Second Battle at Manassas, was another solid victory for the Confederacy.
The Battle of Harpers Ferry
The Battle of Harpers Ferry was a resounding victory for Confederate forces.
The Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam was a Union victory during the American Civil War, in the sense that it ended a Southern invasion of the North.
The Battle of Fredericksburg
Another devastating victory for the Confederacy at the hands of yet another Union commander.
The Battle of Chancellorsville
The Battle of Chancellorsville was a spectacular tactical success for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Casualties for both sides were about equal, however.
The Battle of Vicksburg
The Battle of Vicksburg was a vitally important Union victory during the American Civil War. Taking the heavily fortified city gave the Union control of the entire Mississippi River, effectively splitting the Confederacy in two.
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg marked the last northern invasion by Confederate forces. Many consider this battle to be the turning point of the Civil War.
The Battle of Brandy Station
The Battle of Brandy Station was the largest cavalry engagement of the American Civil War, featuring forces exceeding 20,000.
The Battle of Chickamauga
The Battle of Chickamauga was a Confederate victory during the American Civil War. Fought in Georgia, the battle was part of the overall struggle for control of Chattanooga.
The Battle of Chattanooga
The Battle of Chattanooga was a Union victory during the American Civil War. The result solidified the Union hold on the vital railroad junction and supply center and paved the way for further Northern invasions of the South.
The Battle of Nashville
The Battle of Nashville was a resounding victory for Union forces during the American Civil War, effectively ending the fighting in Tennessee.
The Battle of the Wilderness
The Battle of the Wilderness was an inconclusive clash between Union and Confederate troops. It was the first battle in the Overland Campaign.
The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse
The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse was an inconclusive clash between Union and Confederate troops. It was the second battle in the Overland Campaign..
The Battle of Cold Harbor
The Battle of Cold Harbor was a resounding victory for Confederate troops in the waning months of the war.
The Battle of Petersburg
The Battle of Petersburg was the last major battle of the American Civil War. Punctuated by a monthslong siege, the battle ended in a Union victory and, a week later, the surrender of Confederate top commander Robert E. Lee and effectively the end of the war.
The Battle of Five Forks
The Battle of Five Forks was one of the last battles of the war.
War Maps
These maps of the Civil War are from The U.S. Military
Academy, at West Point.
War Battles
Comprehensive treatment of the battles, with lots of relevant information of all varieties
Battles of the Civil
War Infographic
A good variety of important facts, including casualties, about each battle
War Glossary
This glossary, with more than 100 entries, has
descriptions of every major battle in the Civil War.
War Battles by STate
From the Blue and Gray Trail
The Battle of Gettysburg
Find out more about this historic battle: the main players, the strategies, and the prelude and aftermath.