The Ancient Greek Olympics
1: No Fighting Allowed
of the more stunning true stories about ancient Greece was
that during the Olympic Games, all fighting stopped. No
matter how long or how fierce a battle had raged, every
soldier in the battlefield put down his weapons and traveled
to Olympia, there to compete in athletic games designed to
honor Zeus and the other Greek gods. For seven days before
and seven days after (and for the period of the Games, of
course), no fighting was allowed. It was considered
disrespectful to the gods.
soldiers also were allowed to travel safely from the
battlefields to the Olympic Games without fear of being
attacked by anyone.
did this happen? Several reasons can be found:
- The most important is
that the Olympic Games were a religious festival. The
Greeks considered it their duty to attend, and duty to
their gods was more important than duty to their
city-states, which were fighting the wars in the first
- Many of the best
athletes were soldiers whose commanders would not want
them to leave the fighting. With the truce in place and
the fighting halted, these soldier-athletes were free to
compete in the Games and then return to the fighting when
the Games had finished.
- Some of the best
athletes were not skilled fighters and weren't part of
the army or navy. Since war was so much a part of life in
ancient Greece, victorious soldiers came to be heroes for
their city-states and role models for the young. Having
the Olympic Games and showcasing the athletic talents of
men who were not soldiers allowed city-states to
celebrate heroes and role models who might not be the
best fighters.
athletes competed for themselves, not their city-states.
In this way, they could be celebrated for their own
accomplishments and not honored as only representatives
of their city-states. This was another way in which the
Olympic Games shifted emphasis away from the city-state.
If Demetrius of Corinth won the running race, then he was
celebrated as Demetrius--just Demetrius--not Demetrius of
Corinth. This was to make sure that battlefield
prejudices didn't spill onto the Olympic athletic
page > The
Games They Played >
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