The Extraordinary Story of William Carney
Carney and the rest of the 54th Massachusetts trained for several months in early 1863 and then reported to Hilton Head, South Carolina. After a brief first engagement, they faced their first real test, in an attack on Fort Wagner, on Morris Island, on July 18. The fort was heavily defended, with both cannons and sharpshooters. Nonetheless, the order came for the 54th Massachusetts to lead the way in storming the fort. They did just that, advancing through a withering storm of enemy fire. Carney was advancing when he saw the flagholder get shot and drop the flag. Carney rushed ahead and grabbed the flag before it could reach the ground, letting go of his gun so he could grasp the flag with both hands. (During the Civil War, especially, it was an honor to carry the flag of the Union or the Confederacy. But such men often paid a dear price, since they had to use both hands to carry the large flagpole and so couldn't carry a gun with which to defend themselves. And since the flag was such a powerful symbol of both sides' causes, the flag-bearer was often a popular target for soldiers with guns.) Carney carried the flag alongside other members of his regiment, who continued to advance even though they probably knew that their attack had little chance of succeeding. Carney, even though he was shot in one leg, made it through the enemy's defenses and entered the fort. He planted the flagpole atop the high wall and proudly displayed the colors of the United States Flag.
William Carney survived his multiple wounds and later became the first Black recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. |
Social Studies for Kids
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David White