It's a Wonder: Norway to Open Seafloor Restaurant

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October 14, 2018

A handful of people are hard at work creating the world's largest underwater restaurant. It's off the coast of Båly, a small town in Norway. The builders have named it Under, and it's set to open in April 2019. (Some reservations have already been made.)

Underwater restaurant

Construction on the concrete building began in early 2018 and took six months to complete. That was the outside. The builders then moved the building down through the water in order to anchor it on the ocean floor, 16 feet below the surface. Now, work on the inside has commenced.

Underwater restaurant entrance

When customers arrive, they won't have to don diving suits. Entrance is on land. The dining rooms, designed to accommodate up to 100 people, are at the bottom; and to get there, customers pass a champagne bar. The chef, Nicolai Ellitsgaard, promises a menu of fresh, local food (including seafood, of course, but also local vegetables and meat).

The restaurant won't be open all the time. The building will function as a marine research center when the restaurant is closed. The building itself has been designed to attract mussels to attach themselves.

The name, Under, has another meaning in Norwegian: "wonder."

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Social Studies for Kids
copyright 2002–2018
David White

Social Studies for Kids
copyright 2002–2019
David White