Ocean Cleanup Company Turns to Rivers

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October 28, 2019

Boyan Slat has set sights on a new target: the world's polluted rivers.

The Dutch inventor who founded The Ocean Cleanup and launched a working plastic retrieval system into the depths of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch has invented a device to pluck rubbish out of a river.

Ocean Cleanup Interceptor

The Interceptor is a solar-powered machine that floats down rivers, scooping up plastic waste as it goes, keeping that refuse from reaching the oceans. The machine guides the trash into an opening in the bow and then along a conveyor belt to a set of receptacles deep inside. The front of the machine is designed to keep obstacles like floating tree trunks from interfering with the waste collection. The modern technology element comes in the form of what happens next: The Interceptor is designed to send text messages, to organize collection of the plastic waste collected.

The Ocean Cleanup has already deployed two such machines, one in the Cengkareng Drain in Jakarta and the other in the Klang River in Malaysia. The plan is to deploy similar machines in 1,000 rivers around the world, including some of the most polluted, in the next five years.

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Social Studies for Kids
copyright 2002–2023
David White

Social Studies for Kids
copyright 2002–2024
David White