

Book Reviews

These books are nonfiction for ages 4–8.
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Nonfiction 13–18

Bury the Dead
This entertaining new book from National Geographic examines the way people have treated their dead down through history. Think Cro-Magnon burials were way different from modern ones? Think again.

Facing the Lion
This outstanding book is so rich and detail and so well written that readers will be going back to it many times to recall details and anecdotes that highlight the life of the author. Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton regales the reader with astonishing tale after astonishing tale, all describing how the Masai live off their land, and their cattle.

Genius: Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein remains one of the 20th Century's most enigmatic yet popular figures. His continuing importance to the world of physics is staggering given the recent advancements in the world of quantum physics. Yet Einstein the man is a much a different person than Einstein the scientist. It is Einstein the man that we see here. Photo after photo shows Einstein as a definitely human scientist, one who cared deeply for his family and who wanted desperately to have a "real" job. He was also a great friend to children and a devoted family man. Shy and reserved, he nonetheless formed some of the largest and most important ideas of the scientific century.

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David White