The Battle of Marathon
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It was 490 B.C. Athens
had appealed to Sparta for reinforcements, but the messenger
had returned with the message that Spartan troops wouldn't
arrive for nine days because they were in the middle of
religious festivals. Marathon was very close to Athens
itself. Other city-states were jealous of Athens' growing
power and hadn't sent troops, either. So Athens was on its
paper, it was a mismatch. Persian troops numbered about
100,000. Athenian troops numbered 20,000. How could Athens
hope to win against such overwhelming odds?
victory was due more to surprise and discipline than
anything else. The well-trained Athenian soldiers did not
break formation as they suddenly charged the Persian lines.
In the face of such a determined charge, Persian soldiers
broke ranks and ran, and were slaughtered from behind. The
Persians were expecting individual, hand-to-hand fighting.
The Athenians gave them a mass, united charge. The sheer
weight of the charge must have been astounding. The Persian
force was large but scattered and poorly organized. The
Athenian force was not intimidated by the larger numbers of
their opponents. They almost literally drove their opponents
into the sea.
the Battle of Marathon, the Persians counted 6,400 dead
soldiers and many more captured. The Athenian dead totaled
only 192. And even though the Persians still badly
outnumbered the Athenians, Darius turned for home, convinced
that he was beaten.