Book Review: B Is for Brazil

Reading Level

Ages 4-8

Other Books in This Series

• C Is for China
• I Is for India
• W Is for World

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This book, B Is for Brazil by Maria de Fatima Campos, is a great little book in the Round-the-World series from Frances Lincoln. The focus here is on Brazil, and the method of learning is one page at a time, each letter of the English alphabet corresponding to one facet of the Brazilian culture that readers who live elsewhere might not know.

The book begins with familiar concepts (A is for Amazon, B Is for Brazil, C Is for Carnival) but then soon moves into more (for most English-speaking readers) unfamiliar terrritory (J is for Jangada [a small fishing boat], U is for Urucum [a tree that produces both dye and powder for food coloring]).

As with other books in this series, the pictures are vivid and both illustrate the accompanying words and tell their own story. On the P Is for Painting page, for example, the young reader sees kids in Brazil doing exactly what he or she might be doing on a typical day.

Each letter of the alphabet tells a different story, and each page brings the reader closer to an understanding of both how similar Brazilians' lives are to his or her own and how different things are in different parts of the world. This book, for readers as young as 4, is an excellent introduction to not only the people and culture of Brazil but also to the world as a whole.

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David White