How Sports Teach Geography
Part 2: Basketball and Soccer
Perhaps the most striking example of how sports teaches geography is in international sports. The World Cup is the perfect example. It's going on right now.
Other countries that have teams in the World Cup but that you don't often hear so much about are Cameroon, Slovenia, Ecuador, and Uruguay. Finding these countries on a map expands your knowledge of the world around you. Look up Slovenia and you find that it borders Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Croatia. Now, you don't have to look up all these places to follow your favorite team. But it certainly is more fun that way. So next time the Giants, the Lynx, or whoever you like to cheer for is playing an away game, go to your map and find out where they're playing. You never know when you might need to know where that place is. First page > Baseball and Geography > Page 1, 2 |
Social Studies for Kids
copyright 2002–2024
David White