The Invention of the Frisbee
The Frisbee that we commonly know today was first produced on January 13, 1957, by the Wham-O Company. Millions of flying discs later, Frisbees are now enjoyed around the world. The origins of the Frisbee are shrouded in mystery and competing claims. That the shape is reminiscent of a pie is not in dispute. Who came up with the idea for a plastic flying disc continues to be argued. The most popular story is that of a California man, Walter Morrison, obtaining the patent to make the Frisbee and then selling the rights to Wham-O, which marketed it as the major component of a new sport. According to one well-researched claim, Morrison had a lot of help, namely from a friend named Warren Franscioni, who helped Morrison invent what became the Frisbee but received none of the credit (the website alleges).
At any rate, Wham-O was selling hundreds of Frisbees in 1957, thousands not too many years later, and millions not long after that. A true craze was born. |
Social Studies for Kids
copyright 2002–2024
David White