The Seven Oldest Presidents of the United States
7. Andrew Jackson
"Old Hickory" was 61 years, 354 days old when he was inaugurated in 1833. Jackson was a war hero and was a founder of the Democratic Party. He was no fan of central authority and declared war on the Bank of the United States. However, he was also no supporter of renegade states and held a firm hand in the wake of the Nullification Crisis. He was no friend to Native Americans and instigated the "Trail of Tears." A popular President, he served two consecutive terms and was succeeded by his Vice-president, Martin van Buren.
6. Dwight D. Eisenhower
War hero Eisenhower was 62 years, 98 days old when he was inaugurated in 1953. He was the commander of the D-Day Invasion that began the end of World War II in the Atlantic Theatre. "Ike" was President during several significant events in the Civil Rights Movement, including the issuance of the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education; Eisenhower also sent federal troops to escort African-American students into Little Rock's Central High School in 1957. Eisenhower served two consecutive terms as President, both times defeating the same opponent, Adlai Stevenson. John F. Kennedy succeeded Eisenhower as President. |
5. Zachary Taylor
The 12th President, Taylor was one of the few Whigs to lead the Executive Branch. A hero of the Mexican-Amerian War, Taylor won election in 1850 and was 64 years, 100 days old when he was inaugurated, in 1851. He died in office, having served only three years of his term.
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Social Studies for Kids
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David White |